Mark 2: 3-11 New TYestament
Jesus was teaching a large crowd in Capernaum at someone's house. The house inside and outside was extremely crowded that there was no squeezing room left.
Four faithful friends carried a stretcher with a paralyzed man on it. They wanted Jesus to heal him but because they couldn't get inside the house, they climbed up to the roof, tore it apart and lowered him down by ropes into the room to Jesus's feet.
Jesus said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven." There were some Pharisees peering in the open window and pronounced loudly that no one could forgive sins but God! This was blasphemy!
Jesus replied that he wanted the Pharisees to know that the Son of Man (he used that reference a lot) had this authority. This pronouncement angered them even more and what's what started the wheels in motion to kill him.
Back to the paralyzed man, Jesus said, "Take up your mat and go home." The man stood up and walked away healed. The crowd was utterly amazed and praised God saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"
This is a lesson on love and faith. The four men carrying the stretcher had faith in Jesus's ability to heal him. With love and compassion of
Jesus for him and his friends, Jesus healed him completely.
This story has many lessons but one is friendship of faithful friends is so important. Choose friends carefully and look up! Maybe the roof isn't falling, but Jesus is calling!