Conversion of Saul

Published on 25 October 2024 at 09:48


Acts 9: 1-19 New Testament

Saul was a Pharisee in Jerusalem in middle of 1 AD.  After Jesus's ascention into heaven, the Pharisees were committed to eradicate the fastly growing Jesus followers. Saul hunted them down and had them killed. He believed he was doing the right thing.

One day on his way to Damascus, he was blinded by a very bright light, and he heard a voice say,

"Saul, why are you persecuting me? I am Jesus whom you are persecuting! Now, get up and go into the city and you will be told what to do."  When he opened his eyes,  he was blind.  His accompanying friends took him into the city and for three days he remained blind, didn't eat or drink.

Then Ananias, a disciple of Jesus, placed his hands on him and his sight was restored.  God had directed Ananias to do this and that Saul was chosen by Him to be a missionary for Jesus thoughout the world. 

After getting his sight back, Saul went into the desert and God instructed him as to the message he was suppose to preach. He succeeded in making four missionary journeys, suffered many things, and was martyred like all the other apostles except John.

God changed his name to Paul.  Saul was TRANSFORMED from his old self to his new self, Paul, that's why his name was changed.  He was no longer Saul.


Anyone who becomes a Christian is transformed from old ways into new ways just like Paul was.  We are God's instruments to do his work using our hands, feet, voice, and actions. Be a modern day Paul.💕