Matthew 13: 31-32 and Matthew 28: 19-20 New Testament
Jesus often taught using parables. Parables are short stories similar to fables. They illustrate some truth or principle, There's about 40 different ones in the gospels. Once such parable is the Parable of the Mustard Seed. The mustard seed is actually the mustard TREE seed. It is different than the blooming mustard plant you see in fields here. This tree is common in Israel and can be as tall as 30 feet! Often a flock of birds can be seen in its branches.
The explanation of this parable is how I like to think Jesus changed the world from humble beginnings in as a tiny baby in a manger, and then teaching for only three years. He started with 12 disciples, followers tagging along, to apostles including Paul, and their through their journeys changing thousands of lives and starting churches. Christianity now has 2.2 billion people. Christianity is the only religion that witnesses and promotes its faith.
Recorded in Matthew 28 Jesus commissioned his apostles right before his ascension into heaven, to go and make disciples of all nations and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It keeps growing but it all started as a tiny baby born in a humble stable!
So like the tiny mustard seed, God used and is still using small things into miraculous and humongous outcomes, But we are charged with this great commission to keep planting seeds of faith to others.💕