Rahab and the Two Spies

Published on 14 November 2024 at 14:45


Joshua 6 Old Testament

Rahab is the second woman mentioned in Matthew 1 in the genealogy.


Recall part 4 of the Moses story.  It took 40 years of wandering in the Sinai wilderness to arrive at the promised land.  When Moses died Joshua took over leadership. He was one of the strongest leaders ever.

Before entering the city of Jericho, Joshua sent spies to check the enemy out.  Joshua waited and camped across the Jordan River from Jericho with the  people.

Rahab was a Gentile in that city but God spoke to her. She was a harlot.  God told her that two spies would sneak into the city at night and she was to be on the lookout for them.  She watched day after day until she saw them.  The king's soldiers of the city  knew about this, too, and were prepared to kill any spies. Rahab got to the two spies before the soldiers and hid them in her home with her family.  She then convrted to Judaism.  She married Salmon and had a son who they named Boaz.  You will meet him next in the Ruth story.


God can use anyone for His purposes.  Rahab was courageous and acted calmly.  She feared God, had high respect for Him.  Rahab put her trust in God and listened to His instructions.

We must keep our minds open for God's call, listen, and trust in Him.💕