
Published on 14 November 2024 at 13:55


Genesis 38  Old Testament

The first patriarchs of Judaism are in order--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.  This intriguing story is about Jacob's family.  He had twelve sons, the fourth was Judah.  It was critical to the Jews for a son to have at least one male offspring to keep the family tree from dying out.  Judah had three sons so the possibility for at least one male offspring was good.    The first son, Er, married Tamar but because he was wicked God soon killed him.  It was the duty and custom for a surviving brother to marry the widow.  She married Oman next, but he, too, was wicked and God killed him before they had a child.  The third son was too young to marry.  Now what?

Tamar, still a widow, knew her role, so she devised a plan to trick Judah.  She put on a disguise including a face covering.  Then she posed at the city gate as a prostitute and seduced Judah, and he got her pregnant.  That resulted in twin boys! Thanks to her loyalty to family, she secured the Judah line in Jesus's  ancestry.  Some say she had a prophetic gift that allowed her to know that she was a critical piece to Jesus's line. IDK about that. When Judah found out what he did was sinful, he repented to God and was transformed to become a righteous and great man in Jewish history.


 Confession and repentance is what God wants.  Out of trickery came mercy from God and redemption.💕